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Saturday, February 28, 2009

সুমাইয়া শিমু এখন শীর্ষে

সুমাইয়া শিমু এখন শীর্ষে


নিজের ব্যক্তি ও শিল্পী জীবন নিয়ে অন্যদের মতো সুমাইয়া শিমুও ভাবেন মাঝে মাঝে। ব্যাক্তি ও অভিনেত্রী সুমাইয়া শিমুর মূল্যায়ন কিভাবে করবেন এ প্রশ্নের উত্তরে তিনি বলেন, অভিনয়শিল্পী সুমাইয়া শিমু অসম্ভব পরিশ্রমী, সিনসিয়ার, কমিটেড, কাজ ছাড়া কিছুই বোঝেনা সে। মানের সথে কখনো আপোস করে না। সব সময় ভাল কাজ নিয়ে ভাবে। আর ব্যক্তি সুমাইয়া শিমু খুবই অলস। একটু সিম্পল। তাকে টিভিতে ফিটফাট দেখা গেলেও বাস্তবে ব্যতিক্রম। অনেক বেশী জেদী মেয়ে। এতটা জেদ না থাকলেও হতো।

সুমাইয়া শিমুর আজকের যে অবস্হান, এখানে আসতে তাকে অনেক কাঠখড় পোড়াতে হয়েছে। হুট করে কেউ কেউ সাফল্যটাকে মালা করে গলে পরতে পারলেও সুমাইয়া শিমুকে সফলতার পথে হাঁটার জন্য সেই পথটাকে মসৃণ করতে হয় যোগ্যতার প্রলেপ দিয়ে। নিজেকে জনপ্রিয় করে তুলতে যে সংগ্রাম সুমাইয়া শিমুকে করতে হয়েছে, সেই সংগ্রামের গল্প নিয়ে তিনি বললেন, আমি অভিনয়শিল্পী হিসেবে আজ যে অবস্হানে রয়েছি, তার জন্য আমাকে জীবন যুদ্ধে অবতীর্ণ হতে হয়েছিল। হুট করেই আমার জীবনে কিছু আসেনি। অনেকে যেমন লাকি থাকে, লটারির ভাগ্য থাকে না অনেকের, আমার এ ধরনের ভাগ্য একদমই নেই। আমি লাকি মানুষ নই। যেকোনো জিনিস প্রাপ্তির জন্য আমার অনেক সময় লাগে। আমি মাঝে মাঝেই আমার পেছনের সময়টাতে ফিরে যাই স্মৃতির ভেলায় ভেসে। আমি যখন জাহাঙ্গীরনগর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে পড়ি, সেসময় পড়াশোনার পাশাপাশি আমি ইউনিট্রেন্ড-এ পার্টটাইম জব করতাম। একদিকে পড়াশোনা অন্যদিকে জব। এরইমধ্যে আবার নাটকে অভিনয় শুরু করি। তো যেদিন বিকালে শুটিং পড়তো, সেটা আমি বেশ উপভোগ করতাম। কোনোদিন যদি সকালে শুটিং পড়তো, তাহলেই ঘাপলা লেগে যেতো। কারণ বিশ্বদ্যিলয়ে আমার ক্লাসগুলো ছিলো সকালে। ঐ সময় আমার গাড়ি ছিল না বলে সকাল ৯টায়ই আমাকে বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের উদ্দেশ্যে রওনা দিতে হতো। আমি সাধারণত বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের বাসেই আসা-যাওয়া করতাম। ক্লাস শেষ হওয়ার পর অন্যরা যখন সহপাঠীদের সাথে নানারকম গল্পের আসরে মজে যেত, আমি তখন এক দৌড়ে বাসে উঠে যেতাম। অফিসের কাজ শেষে আবার শুটিংয়ে অংশ নিতাম। এভাবে একের পর এক কাজ করতে করতেই আমি আজকের সুমাইয়া শিমু রুপে নিজেকে নির্মাণ করেছি।

ক্যারিয়ারের শুরুর দিকে সিনিয়র শিল্পীদের শিডিউল অনুযায়ী সুমাইয়া শিমুকে শুটিং শিডিউল দিতেন নির্মাতারা। সময়ের বিবর্তনে এখন সুমাইয়া শিমুর শিডিউলের সাথে মিলিয়ে নির্মাতারা অন্যদের শিডিউল দেন। অভিনয় ক্যারিয়ারকে আরো উজ্জল জায়গায় এনে সুমাইয়া শিমু এখন নিজের সাথে নিজেই প্রতিযোগিতা করেন। তিনি একটি নাটকে অভিনয়ের পর সেই পারফর্মেন্সকে ছড়িয়ে যেতে পরবর্তী নাটকে নিজেকে তৈরী করেন অনেক সচেতনতার সঙ্গে। সুমাইয়া শিমু বলেন, আমি প্রতিনিয়তই নিজেকে ছাড়িয়ে যাওয়ার চেষ্টা করি। এজন্য আমি এখন সব নাটকেই কাজ করি না। আমার কাছে অনেক নির্মাতার স্ক্রিপ্ট আসে। যে নাটকের চরিত্রে আমি দর্শকদের নতুন কিছু দেবার সুযোগ খুজেঁ পাই অভিনয়ের যথেষ্ট সুযোগ থাকে যে নাটকে, আমি এখন শুধু সে নাটকগুলোতেই কাজ করছি। আমি মনে করি, দশটা মোটামুটি মানের নাটকে অভিনয়ের চেয়ে দুটো খুব মানসম্পন্ন নাটকে কাজ করা বেশি ভাল। যার ফলে আমি একই ধরনের নাটক ও চরিত্রে কাজ করতে তেমন উৎসাহ পাই না।

সুমাইয়া শিমু তার অসাধারণ অভিনয় দিয়ে দর্শকদের মনের মণিকোঠায় ঠাঁই করে নিয়েছেন অনেক আগেই। তার অভিনীত নাটক দর্শকদের মুগ্ধ করলেও এখনো সুমাইয়া শিমু অভিনয় করে তৃপ্তি খুঁজে পাননি। সুমাইয়া শিমু বলেন, এ পর্যন্তা আমি কোনো নাটকে কাজ করে তৃপ্ত হতে পারিনি। আমার অভিনীত অনেক নাটক দর্শকদের ভাল লেগেছে। একেক নাটক একক শ্রেণীর দর্শকদের কাছে প্রিয় হয়েছে। আমি নিজে তৃপ্ত হতে পেরেছি এমন নাটকের নাম বলা এই মুহুর্তে আমার জন্য অনেক কঠিন। আর আমি মনে করি, একজন অভিনয়শিলণ্পী যদি তার কোনো কাজ দেখে তৃপ্ত হয়ে যায়, তাহলে তার আর ভালো কাজ করা হয়ে উঠবে না। প্রকৃত একজন শিল্পী সব সময়ই অতৃপ্তির রোগে ভোগেন। আর এই অতৃপ্তিই তাকে আরো ভালো থেকে ভালো কাজ করার প্রেরণা দেয়। আমি আমার অভিনীত কোনো নাটক দেখার পর কেন জানি তৃপ্ত হতে পারি না। আর আমি চাইও না যে এত অল্প সময়েই আমি তৃপ্তির সন্ধান পাই। আমার মনে হয়, প্রত্যেক অভিনয়শিল্পীরই উচিত তার নাটক দেখা। নিজের ভূলগুলো ধরার জন্যই নাটক দেখা দরকার। আমি নাটক দেখতে বসলেই ভূলগুলো বড় হয়ে দেখা দেয় আমার চোখে। এতে আমার উপকারই হয় বেশী। কারণ যেই ভূলগুলো একবার আমার সামনে এসে দাঁড়ায়, পরবর্তীতে আর সেই ভূল আর করি না।

সোর্স : বাংলাদেশ শোবিজ

Britney Spears : Celebrity Bios

Celebrity Bios

Britney Spears Bio

Britney Spears

Born in Kentwood, La. on December 2, 1981, the former Mickey Mouse Club cast member was one of the first major female teen pop stars of the late 90s. For years, Spears was a diva worth drooling over back in her "Baby One More Time" days. However, although she has generated record-breaking sales and worldwide notoriety, recent press involving Spears is no longer associated with her talent. Since the birth of her two children—Sean Preston on September 14, 2005, and Jayden James on September 12, 2006—and her high-profile divorce from ex-Kevin Federline in 2006, headlines bearing Spears’ name report on her bizarre psychotic behaviors, drug use, and a tumultuous custody battle over her two sons. In 2008, Spears ended her lengthy legal battle and reached a settlement with Federline over the custody of their kids. Spears also agreed to hand over all legal and business control to her father in a co-conservatorship. Since then, she reemerged in late 2008 looking healthier while promoting her massively successful sixth album, Circus.

Kate Winslet : Celebrity Bios

Celebrity Bios

Kate Winslet Bio

Kate Winslet

Born in England in 1975, Kate Winslet danced in a cereal commercial at the age of 11 and began to study acting professionally as a teenager. At 17, Winslet was cast in the critically acclaimed Heavenly Creatures in 1994 and the following year, she costarred in Sense and Sensibility, which earned her an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress. After appearing in the blockbuster Titanic in 1997, she opted for smaller roles in 2004 with Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Finding Neverland. In 2009, the actress was honored with her first Golden Globe trophies -- one for Best Actress in Revolutionary Road and the other for Best Supporting Actress in The Reader. Winslet has been married to director Sam Mendes since 2003 and they have one son together. Winslet also had a daughter with previous husband and assistant director James Threapleton.

Isis: "I'm Happy I Made An Impact" : Interview with Popwrap


From the minute it was announced that Isis, a transgendered 22-year-old, would be competing on this cycle of "America's Next Top Model," everyone had an opinion - no one more than her housemates. But as she tells me the day after she was eliminated from the competition, the good far outweighs the bad.

Pop Wrap: Obviously your inclusion this cycle was controversial. What kind of reactions have you gotten?
Isis: So far I've gotten all positive feedback and responses. I know I shouldn't, but I do read the blogs and there are some not-so-positive things on there, but just walking around on the street, people stop me and tell me what a great role model I am - it's nice to hear.

PW: Did you anticipate becoming a role model by being on the show?
Isis: People told me it would happen, but I just saw it as getting my foot in the door. If I went into it thinking about being a role model, it would have put a lot more pressure on me. I just thought about being myself - and winning!

PW: Why do you think Tyra said the model they casted wasn't coming through in photos?
Isis: It was mainly because the competition started to affect me. Having cameras on you 24 hours a day started to eat away at me a little bit and I was trying to stick it out but that showed up in my photos.

PW: Were you aware of how much smack the girls were talking about you while you were in the house?
Isis: For the most part, those comments were made while I wasn't around. But I had talked to Clarke a lot and had no idea she was saying those things behind my back. It hurt but I just try and brush it off. I tried to stay positive in the house.

PW: And she seemed to be in the minority - you bonded with a lot of the girls, right?
Isis: Yeah. Annaleigh is sweet and yesterday alone I talked to Brittany, Sheena, Joslyn and Lauren Brie before my episode aired. I still talk to most of those girls on a regular basis.

PW: What's next for you?
Isis: I'm just crossing my fingers hoping opportunities come from this. I went to college for fashion design so I hope that takes off for me. Hopefully you'll see me on the runway, in major campaigns and on the big screen - I want to be in movies!

PW: And what about your gender reassignment surgery?
Isis: It's still something I need to do. Financially I haven't saved up more money since the show. And because I haven't been working, I've been living off my savings. But hopefully the jobs will come soon because that will make it easier to save and finally have my surgery. It's still at the top of my goals, the very top.

Isis: "I'm Happy I Made An Impact" : Interview with Popwrap


From the minute it was announced that Isis, a transgendered 22-year-old, would be competing on this cycle of "America's Next Top Model," everyone had an opinion - no one more than her housemates. But as she tells me the day after she was eliminated from the competition, the good far outweighs the bad.

Pop Wrap: Obviously your inclusion this cycle was controversial. What kind of reactions have you gotten?
Isis: So far I've gotten all positive feedback and responses. I know I shouldn't, but I do read the blogs and there are some not-so-positive things on there, but just walking around on the street, people stop me and tell me what a great role model I am - it's nice to hear.

PW: Did you anticipate becoming a role model by being on the show?
Isis: People told me it would happen, but I just saw it as getting my foot in the door. If I went into it thinking about being a role model, it would have put a lot more pressure on me. I just thought about being myself - and winning!

PW: Why do you think Tyra said the model they casted wasn't coming through in photos?
Isis: It was mainly because the competition started to affect me. Having cameras on you 24 hours a day started to eat away at me a little bit and I was trying to stick it out but that showed up in my photos.

PW: Were you aware of how much smack the girls were talking about you while you were in the house?
Isis: For the most part, those comments were made while I wasn't around. But I had talked to Clarke a lot and had no idea she was saying those things behind my back. It hurt but I just try and brush it off. I tried to stay positive in the house.

PW: And she seemed to be in the minority - you bonded with a lot of the girls, right?
Isis: Yeah. Annaleigh is sweet and yesterday alone I talked to Brittany, Sheena, Joslyn and Lauren Brie before my episode aired. I still talk to most of those girls on a regular basis.

PW: What's next for you?
Isis: I'm just crossing my fingers hoping opportunities come from this. I went to college for fashion design so I hope that takes off for me. Hopefully you'll see me on the runway, in major campaigns and on the big screen - I want to be in movies!

PW: And what about your gender reassignment surgery?
Isis: It's still something I need to do. Financially I haven't saved up more money since the show. And because I haven't been working, I've been living off my savings. But hopefully the jobs will come soon because that will make it easier to save and finally have my surgery. It's still at the top of my goals, the very top.

Anne Hathaway Heads to 30 Rock


When it comes to her career, Anne Hathaway makes one smart decision after another. Going topless in "Brokeback Mountain" definitely shed her teen queen crown. Then she made being funny look very chic in "Devil Wears Prada" and "Get Smart." Now she's an Oscar hopeful with an indie role in "Rachel Getting Married."

The only hurdle left to jump - live television. So to complete her chess-like career choices, Anne has just signed on to host the Oct. 4 edition of "Saturday Night Live." Anyone else hoping for a Meryl Streep cameo?

Rihanna : Celebrity Bios

Celebrity Bios

Rihanna Bio


R&B/pop singer Rihanna was born in Saint Michael, Barbados on February 20, 1988, and got her big break in 2003 when she was introduced to record producer Evan Rogers. At the time, young Rihanna was part of a musical trio, but Rogers was only interested in her talents as a solo artist. Looking to further her career, the singer flew to Connecticut to live with Rogers and record her demo, which was quickly picked up by her future label, Def Jam. Albums including 2005's Music of the Sun and 2006's A Girl Like Me topped the charts, but 2007's Good Girl Gone Bad rocketed her to fame with the release of massive hits like "Umbrella" and "Don't Stop the Music." In 2009, an altercation with boyfriend Chris Brown left her in a hospital with several injuries. Although Brown was arrested and charged with assault, Rihanna remains tight-lipped about the incident, which occurred the night of the 2009 Grammy Awards.

Shawn Pyfrom: Bad Andrew is Coming Back : Interview by Popwrap

shawn-pyfrom2.jpgOn Sunday fans finally found out what their favorite housewives had turned into during the five-year flash forward. Gaby is now the messy mommy, Susan is love-phobic, Lynette still has her hands full, Bree is a slightly less capable Martha Stewart and Andrew Van de Kamp is his mom's manager.

And Shawn Pyfrom was more than happy to swap his character's previous work attire - Scavo Pizzeria orange polo - for much snazzier suits. I caught up with Shawn to get an insider's opinion on the now future-set show and see if his character is going to be getting any action this season.

Pop Wrap: Seeing how it's playing out, what do you think about the flash-forward?
Shawn Pyfrom: I think it sets us up for new beginnings, allows us to start fresh and eliminate some of the, I don't want to call it mess, but to weed out a lot of things that weren't working.

PW: And what do you say to the people who are curious about the missing time?
Shawn: It's not like we aren't going to discuss anything that's happened in the last five years. Everything that's happened between when we left off and now will be addressed at some point. It also gives the show added layers of mystery - everyone wants to know how we got here.

PW: Are you surprised at the man Andrew's turned into?
Shawn: I think the fact that he's matured and is very driven isn't much of a surprise to me because even when he and Bree were going at it, he was very driven in screwing her over. Now he's just focusing that energy elsewhere.

PW: Fans of Andrew complained that he got sidelined last year. Were you frustrated?
Shawn: My only frustration was that I didn't get to work as much. I love these people, I love investing time on my character and developing him - it's just hard to do that when I'm not given that much screentime. But I understand that a lot of time was spent developing Andrew in the beginning and the show isn't about me, it never has been.

PW: The big question everyone want to know is, will Andrew get a boyfriend this season?
Shawn: I am just as curious as they are. I don't know, I haven't been told anything about a boyfriend. I think it would be appropriate for them to introduce someone now seeing that is has been so long and it's five years down the line. I think a lot of people are interested, I guess we'll see.

Shawn Pyfrom: Bad Andrew is Coming Back : Interview by Popwrap

shawn-pyfrom2.jpgOn Sunday fans finally found out what their favorite housewives had turned into during the five-year flash forward. Gaby is now the messy mommy, Susan is love-phobic, Lynette still has her hands full, Bree is a slightly less capable Martha Stewart and Andrew Van de Kamp is his mom's manager.

And Shawn Pyfrom was more than happy to swap his character's previous work attire - Scavo Pizzeria orange polo - for much snazzier suits. I caught up with Shawn to get an insider's opinion on the now future-set show and see if his character is going to be getting any action this season.

Pop Wrap: Seeing how it's playing out, what do you think about the flash-forward?
Shawn Pyfrom: I think it sets us up for new beginnings, allows us to start fresh and eliminate some of the, I don't want to call it mess, but to weed out a lot of things that weren't working.

PW: And what do you say to the people who are curious about the missing time?
Shawn: It's not like we aren't going to discuss anything that's happened in the last five years. Everything that's happened between when we left off and now will be addressed at some point. It also gives the show added layers of mystery - everyone wants to know how we got here.

PW: Are you surprised at the man Andrew's turned into?
Shawn: I think the fact that he's matured and is very driven isn't much of a surprise to me because even when he and Bree were going at it, he was very driven in screwing her over. Now he's just focusing that energy elsewhere.

PW: Fans of Andrew complained that he got sidelined last year. Were you frustrated?
Shawn: My only frustration was that I didn't get to work as much. I love these people, I love investing time on my character and developing him - it's just hard to do that when I'm not given that much screentime. But I understand that a lot of time was spent developing Andrew in the beginning and the show isn't about me, it never has been.

PW: The big question everyone want to know is, will Andrew get a boyfriend this season?
Shawn: I am just as curious as they are. I don't know, I haven't been told anything about a boyfriend. I think it would be appropriate for them to introduce someone now seeing that is has been so long and it's five years down the line. I think a lot of people are interested, I guess we'll see.

Lindsay Lohan : Celebrity Bios

Celebrity Bios

Lindsay Lohan Bio

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Dee Lohan was born in New York on July 2, 1986. She achieved A-List status via her frequent nightclub visits and multiple magazine cover appearances, as well as a few stints in rehab and run ins with the law. Her breakout role came in 1998 when she was cast as both twins in the remake of The Parent Trap. She has also starred in Freaky Friday, Mean Girls, and Herbie: Fully Loaded. Additionally, Lohan has released two albums; Speak, released in 2004, went platinum. Lohan has been romantically linked with a slew of celebrity bachelors, including Wilmer Valderrama of That '70s Show, singer Aaron Carter and actor and Chapter 27 costar Jared Leto. In 2008, she was featured in a four-episode arc on ABC's Ugly Betty as Betty's high school nemesis. Lohan is currently dating disc jockey Samantha Ronson.

John Mayer : Celebrity Bios

Celebrity Bios

John Mayer Bio

John Mayer

Named one of the "New Guitar Gods," by Rolling Stone, Mayer has made quite a career for himself. He found major label success in 2001 with his album Room for Squares and one of his hit singles "Your Body Is a Wonderland," won him a Grammy Award for Best Male Pop Vocal. Two equally successful albums followed. The musician has also started the "Back to You" fund, a non profit organization that focuses on fundraising for health care, education, the arts and talent developments. This low-key musician has been making headlines lately not for his music, but for his relationship with actress Jennifer Aniston, whom he has dated since April 2008. In the past he has also been linked to singer Jessica Simpson, whom he began dating in August 2006 before calling it quits in June 2007. Mayer briefly dated actress Jennifer Love Hewitt, for whom he reportedly wrote "Your Body is a Wonderland," in 2002.

Brad Pitt : Celebrity Bios

Celebrity Bios

Brad Pitt Bio

Brad Pitt

William Bradley Pitt was born on December 18, 1963, in Shawnee, Okla., and raised in Springfield, Miss. Since hitting the stardom jackpot after he earned a role in 1999’s Thelma and Louise, Pitt has easily become one of Hollywood's most desirable leading men, appearing in numerous hit films and romancing several A-list actresses. Pitt married Jennifer Aniston in 2000 surrounded by fireworks and 50,000 flowers, but the couple separated in 2005. Soon after, the actor began dating Angelina Jolie. Together, the globe-trotting couple – who say they will not marry until gay marriage is legal nationwide - raise their three adoptive children—Maddox, Pax, Zahara - and their biological daughter, Shiloh. In 2008, Jolie confirmed that she and Pitt were pregnant with twins, and that they would soon be raising a squad of six. On July 12, 2008, Pitt became a father, again, to a boy named Knox Leon and a girl named Vivienne Marcheline.

Angelina jolie : Celebrity Bios

Celebrity Bios

Angelina Jolie Bio

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie was born on June 4, 1975 in Los Angeles, Calif. to actress Marcheline Bertrand and actor Jon Voight. Despite being an Oscar-winning actress, her high-profile career is overshadowed by her personal life as a mother and a U.N. goodwill ambassador. Following her three-year relationship to Billy Bob Thornton—during which she wore a vile of his blood around her neck—Jolie fell for Brad Pitt while filming Mr. and Mrs. Smith in 2004. Jet setting around the globe, the hot Hollywood couple raise their three adoptive children—Maddox, Pax, and Zahara—and their biological daughter, Shiloh, born on May 27, 2006 in Africa. In 2008, the actress announced that the "Brangelina" clan was expanding: she gave birth to twins-a boy named Knox Leon and a girl named Vivienne Marcheline-on July 12, 2008.

Lauren Brie : Top Model

Top Model Cuts The Cheese

Lauren-Brie's-best-shots.jpgShe may not have been crowned "America's Next Top Model" but Lauren Brie can rest easy knowing that she will forever hold the title of "Fastest Fall From Grace." I am in utter disbelief that the girl who took such amazing photos early on in the competition (my two favs above) delivered this stinker last night:

lauren-brie-elimination.jpgLauren Brie's best shot looks like a throwaway test shot from one of Caridee's shoot.

Now that she's bottomed out, who do you think is gunna be on top?

Lauren Brie : Top Model

Top Model Cuts The Cheese

Lauren-Brie's-best-shots.jpgShe may not have been crowned "America's Next Top Model" but Lauren Brie can rest easy knowing that she will forever hold the title of "Fastest Fall From Grace." I am in utter disbelief that the girl who took such amazing photos early on in the competition (my two favs above) delivered this stinker last night:

lauren-brie-elimination.jpgLauren Brie's best shot looks like a throwaway test shot from one of Caridee's shoot.

Now that she's bottomed out, who do you think is gunna be on top?

Jennifer Aniston

Celebrity Bios

Jennifer Aniston Bio

Jennifer Aniston

One-sixth of the superstar sextet of NBC's Friends, Aniston has become the most successful of the bunch with leading roles in hits like Bruce Almighty, Along Came Polly and The Break Up. Although better known as a sappy-sweet good girl than daring sexpot, Aniston has tried spicing up her image more recently. Following a broken engagement with actor Tate Donovan in the mid-90s, Aniston climbed the rungs of celebrity love with her marriage to Brad Pitt in 2000. The two divorced five years later in 2005, when Pitt left Aniston for his Mr. and Mrs. Smith costar, Angelina Jolie. Following the breakup, Aniston became involved with her Break-Up costar Vince Vaughn in 2006. The two officially split in October of 2006. In April 2008, Aniston was spotted around town with John Mayer. In June, it became apparent that things were getting serious when Aniston introduced her new beau to BFF Courteney Cox. In March of 2008, Aniston and producing partner Kristin Hahn - who have been working together since Aniston was a partner with ex Brad Pitt in the production company Plan B - formed a new production company, Echo Films.

Nicole Richie : Bios

Nicole Richie Bio

Nicole Richie

Nicole Richie, the adopted daughter of Lionel Richie, has made Hollywood headlines largely due to her party lifestyle and her on-again, off-again friendship with her Simple Life costar Paris Hilton. Scandals including issues with anorexia and a 2006 DUI arrest have secured Richie's spot as a member of the wild crew of "young Hollywood." DJ Adam Goldstein and Brody Jenner have each had romantic flings with the skinny star, but Richie has been dating Good Charlotte rocker Joel Madden
since 2006. The couple gave birth to their daughter Harlow Winter Kate Madden in January 2008 and are currently expecting their second child.

Nicole Richie

Nicole Richie Bio

Nicole Richie

Nicole Richie, the adopted daughter of Lionel Richie, has made Hollywood headlines largely due to her party lifestyle and her on-again, off-again friendship with her Simple Life costar Paris Hilton. Scandals including issues with anorexia and a 2006 DUI arrest have secured Richie's spot as a member of the wild crew of "young Hollywood." DJ Adam Goldstein and Brody Jenner have each had romantic flings with the skinny star, but Richie has been dating Good Charlotte rocker Joel Madden
since 2006. The couple gave birth to their daughter Harlow Winter Kate Madden in January 2008 and are currently expecting their second child.

Jennifer Lopez : Bios

Celebrity Bios

Jennifer Lopez Bio

Jennifer Lopez

Her starring role in the 1997 biopic Selena brought Jennifer Lopez to megastar status. The dancer, actor, musician and entrepreneur wowed critics in The Cell and Out of Sight and she explored her comedic side in The Wedding Planner and Monster In Law. Lopez’s debut album, On the 6 and 2001’s J. Lo topped the charts. The triple-threat also helms the Sweetface clothing line. Lopez was married to Cuban chef Ojani Noa for nearly a year and dancer Cris Judd from 2001-2002. The international star also had high-profile romances with Sean Combs and Ben Affleck (during which the couple was dubbed “Bennifer”) before she adopted a more private romantic life after she married Latin crooner Marc Anthony in June 2004. In February 2008, Lopez gave birth to twins, son Max and daughter Emme.

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Source Partner: Bollywood Samachar | Orkut

Abhishek Launches 'New Motorola Mobile

Abhishek Launches 'New Motorola Mobile

Dashing Abhishek Bachchan recently launched new Motorola's handset called 'Aura' at an event held in Mumbai. Let's watch what he has to say at this occasion.

Amitabh Bachchan to pen foreword for father's magnum opus

Amitabh Bachchan to pen foreword for father's magnum opus

Religiously dutiful about maintaining an e-diary with regular posts everyday, Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan will now be writing the foreword for his poet father the late Harivansh Rai Bachchan's highly acclaimed work "Madhushala".

Anushka Sharma to judge first episode of Knights and Angels

Anushka Sharma to judge first episode of Knights and Angels

By Bollywood Hungama News Network, February 21, 2009 - 15:58 IST

Anushka Sharma With IPL round the corner, its time once again for various franchisees to create maximum awareness about their respective teams, and keeping this in mind, Shah Rukh Khan (who owns Kolkata Knight Riders) has come up with the idea of a unique T.V. reality show called ' Knights and Angels'. This much-awaited reality dance show will trace the hunt for 6 spirited and talented girls to lead the Cheer-leaders Squad of the Kolkata Knight Riders. Adding his final stamp of authority, would be judge Sourav Ganguly the inimitable icon of Indian cricket and captain of Kolkata Knight Riders. The show will be hosted by V.J. turned actor Purab Kohli and the pretty Anushka Sharma (who made a stunning debut opposite SRK in Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi) will be seen as the special celebrity judge in the first episode.

Pinki smiles at the Oscars

Pinki smiles at the Oscars

By Bollywood Hungama News Network, February 24, 2009 - 14:48 IST

Smile Pinki It was Slumdog Millionaire all the way at the Oscar Awards Ceremony held at the Kodak Theatre L.A. on Sunday night but amidst all the 'Slumdog' mania was one more Indian based saga Smile Pinki that won the hearts of the Oscars' jury members.

The film, directed by American filmmaker Megan Mylan, won the Best Short Documentary Award at the Oscars.

Smile Pinki is a tale of a poor Indian village girl who has been left out from the social circle because of her cleft. How her life changes for the good after undergoing a lip surgery forms the crux of the film.

Ajay Devgan adjusts dates of All The Best for Sanjay Dutt's Blue

Ajay Devgan adjusts dates of All The Best for Sanjay Dutt's Blue

By Subhash K. Jha, February 26, 2009 - 11:37 IST

Ajay Devgan The bonding between Ajay Devgan and Sanjay Dutt is getting stronger by the day. Not only has Dutt agreed to do Devgan's comedy directed by Rohit Shetty, in spite of his decision to concentrate on his newly - started political career, Dutt also decided to allot dates to Shetty's film All The Best immediately.

However, the first of schedule of All The Best which was supposed to start from March 5 has been moved to March 10, leading to speculation whether there's trouble in paradise.

But Dharam Oberoi, the CEO of Sanjay Dutt films quickly quells all controversy. "Before people start imagining there's a problem between Mr. Dutt and Mr. Devgan let me say the dates have been kindly re-adjusted by Mr. Devgan to accommodate the last schedule of Blue which now begins on March 1."

Congratulate Rahman for winning the Oscar for Slumdog Millionaire

Congratulate Rahman for winning the Oscar for Slumdog Millionaire

By Bollywood Hungama News Network, February 23, 2009 - 10:54 IST

A R Rahman He is regarded as the Indian Beethoven, people call him a musical genius... his tunes, songs and renditions enthrall us at any given time. And today he has finally received what should rightfully be his. He is A R Rahman.

Today when the world recognizes this musical maestro for his uncanny talent and at long last rewards his tireless persistence to achieve musical excellence with not one but two Oscars for 'Best Original Soundtrack of Slumdog Millionaire' and 'Best Song Jai Ho', we at Bollywood Hungama, wish this genius all the luck to come and may he continue with his enchanting music.

I'm not really a lesbian in The President Is Coming - Konkona Sen Sharma

"I'm not really a lesbian in The President Is Coming" - Konkona Sen Sharma Click here to add this article to My Clips

So far we thought that Konkona Sen-Sharma was following in Shabana Azmi's foot steps to play a lesbian in her new film The President Is Coming. Konkona's next two releases The President Is Coming and Luck By Chance have her pretty agog. "They aren't the usual kind of films. The President Is Coming is a very funny mock-documentary I cracked up when I was doing it." The film is Konkona's own Dostana. Her character pretends to be a lesbian to get her own way.

Konkona says, "It's a marketing strategy for the film, and I don't mind. The film's release got postponed because of 26/11. I was in Rajasthan when it happened, and was really very worried when I saw the news on TV. So, though I was lucky not to be harmed, I was shocked and disgusted…The film didn't matter at that moment. But my other film Dil Kabbaddi got released, soon after the 26/11 incident. Some people liked the film, but not too many, I admit."

Konkona was working throughout 2008, though she didn't have that many releases. "Rituparno Ghosh's Sunglass and The President Is Coming got delayed. Now I've Zoya Akhtar's Luck By Chance. Zoya had written the script so long ago. She knew what she wanted. I play a starlet. It's quite funny. My character is the lead in B-graders and is also the 'hero ki behen'. I had to keep dressing in different costumes. While one day I was a junior artiste of the 1930's, the very next day I was a nurse! Like Farhan's character, I too play a struggler in my own right."

Konkona has Luck By Chance coming out in January. "And then I go straight to Wake Up Sid in June. Both have me playing the formal female lead. But, to me the impact of the role has nothing to do with its size. Sometimes you do a film just because of the director."

I'm not really a lesbian in The President Is Coming - Konkona Sen Sharma

"I'm not really a lesbian in The President Is Coming" - Konkona Sen Sharma Click here to add this article to My Clips

So far we thought that Konkona Sen-Sharma was following in Shabana Azmi's foot steps to play a lesbian in her new film The President Is Coming. Konkona's next two releases The President Is Coming and Luck By Chance have her pretty agog. "They aren't the usual kind of films. The President Is Coming is a very funny mock-documentary I cracked up when I was doing it." The film is Konkona's own Dostana. Her character pretends to be a lesbian to get her own way.

Konkona says, "It's a marketing strategy for the film, and I don't mind. The film's release got postponed because of 26/11. I was in Rajasthan when it happened, and was really very worried when I saw the news on TV. So, though I was lucky not to be harmed, I was shocked and disgusted…The film didn't matter at that moment. But my other film Dil Kabbaddi got released, soon after the 26/11 incident. Some people liked the film, but not too many, I admit."

Konkona was working throughout 2008, though she didn't have that many releases. "Rituparno Ghosh's Sunglass and The President Is Coming got delayed. Now I've Zoya Akhtar's Luck By Chance. Zoya had written the script so long ago. She knew what she wanted. I play a starlet. It's quite funny. My character is the lead in B-graders and is also the 'hero ki behen'. I had to keep dressing in different costumes. While one day I was a junior artiste of the 1930's, the very next day I was a nurse! Like Farhan's character, I too play a struggler in my own right."

Konkona has Luck By Chance coming out in January. "And then I go straight to Wake Up Sid in June. Both have me playing the formal female lead. But, to me the impact of the role has nothing to do with its size. Sometimes you do a film just because of the director."

Brittany Snow is "Gossip's" Girl


After an exhaustive search, "Gossip Girl" producers have finally found the perfect actress to play Lily van der Woodsen in the proposed 1980s-set spin off. Yes, alternate decade loving Brittany Snow ("American Dreams," "Hairspray") has nabbed the coveted role.

"They just cast Brittany Snow. It's definitely official, and I think I'm the first one to know that," Krysten Ritter told E!'s Kristin.

As for the show itself, Krysten, who will play Lily's older sister Carol, told PopWrap earlier this month the show would "revolve around my character and Lily, who is kicked out of her house and comes to find Carol, who has been long since kicked out."

As for Brittany's un-Lily hair color, Krysten says the actress will be going back to blonde for the role. So aside from an impending dye job, what do you think of Brittany's casting?

Photo:WireImage; Eric Liebovitz/The CW

Angie Flaunts A Different Set of Twins


In the best case of timing ever, Vanity Fair has a stunning cover on Angelina "about to pop" Jolie. There was a rumor earlier today that she gave birth, which seems to be false, so now everyone's wondering which will debut first, her twins (supposedly due in August) or this issue (definitely due next week). Here are a few tidbits to whet your appetite in anticipation for the whole interview with the mother of all babies.

On being pregnant:

“I love it. It makes me feel like a woman. It makes me feel that all the things about my body are suddenly there for a reason. It makes you feel round and supple, and to have a little life inside you is amazing."

On Brad Pitt

"Also, I’m fortunate. I think some women have a different experience depending on their partner. I think that affects it. I happen to be with somebody who finds pregnancy very sexy. So that makes me feel very sexy.”

On education her children:

“When I was growing up I wanted to adopt, because I was aware there were kids that didn’t have parents. It’s not a humanitarian thing, because I don’t see it as a sacrifice. It’s a gift. We’re all lucky to have each other. I look at Shiloh -— because, obviously, physically, she is the one that looks like Brad and I when we were little —- and say, ‘If these were our brothers and sisters, how much would we have known by the time we were six that it took into our 30s and 40s to figure out?’ I suppose I’m giving them the childhood I always wished I had.”

On Shiloh’s birth:

“We were in this little hospital in Africa when Shi was born. I don’t think there was anybody else in the hospital. It was just a little cottage, the three of us. It ended up being the greatest thing. I had a C-section and I found it fascinating. I didn’t find it a sacrifice and I didn’t find it a painful experience. I found it a fascinating miracle of what a body can do.”

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Avril's Evolution

Where is ?


In the seven years since Avril Lavigne first sk8d into our hearts, Madonna has had three reinventions (and six faces), Britney has gone from innocent girl to shaved-head lunatic and back again while Christina Aguilera has been a genie, a dirty ho, a retro crooner and now a Lady Gaga clone. Yet Avril is still the same tie blazing, Hot Topic wearing "rebel" skate punk.

Some may see this as refreshing -- that an artist is comfortable sticking with the image and personae that made her famous int he first place. I mean, why do we call her P!nk if she's got blonde hair? Others may feel that Avril is simply being complacent -- too lazy to find a new hook, sound or style.

Avril-Abbey-Dawn-2.jpgWell, for the people who fall into the latter category, this news is going to really annoy you, but if you're one of the "if it ain't broke" crowd, then get stoked because your faux-girlfriend is releasing a clothing line that embraces same vibe she's rocked for the last seven years.

The juniors' collection, named Abbey Dawn after Avril's childhood nickname, is filled with "a lot of hot pinks and blacks and stars and purple and zebra. Basically, everything I wear," Avril said of the line that will be exclusively sold at Kohl's and for which she shot the campaign yesterday.

But lest you think Avril is just slapping her name on a collection of neon colored sweats, let it be known that she was actively involved with the design from the word go. "I actually am the designer. I'm making sure that people in their 20s are going to wear it because it's going to be a sexy fit, not just, 'Oh, T-shirts and hoodies.' The hoodies are slimming. It's not a thick, bulky material."

While I may not be bowled over by anything I'm seeing here, I have to give Avril credit for actually making the line affordable for her fans -- cough --Lauren Conrad.

Everything in her Abbey Dawn collection is under $48, so start saving that allowance, ladies, because very soon you can have your very own edgy ensemble straight outta 2002!

Lisa Rinna: "I'm Not Ashamed Of Anything!"

lisa-rinna-lips.jpgTypically, I'm not a reality show voter, but there was just something so infectious about the energy Lisa Rinna brought to the floor on "Dancing with the Stars" that I felt compelled to dial in. Although she didn't end up taking home the crown that season -- robbed!!!! -- she has emerged as the most successful star to ever dance on the ABC juggernaut.

Lisa has parlayed her stint on the show into a pair of dance-inspired workout DVDs -- in stores now -- that utilize the techniques she learned on "DWTS." Not only is she morphing into a post-millennial Jane Fonda, Lisa is also tackling her first book, a new reality show and mulling over a return to "Melrose Place"!

PopWrap: I'm a little surprised no other "DWTS" contestant has tried this before.
Lisa Rinna: I'm just crazier than everyone else I think. And I was on three years ago! Mel B. is coming out with her own right after me, so I guess people are jumping on the bandwagon.

PW: But you beat her to the punch!
Lisa: I did! But I don't think hers is dance based. It's more of a regular workout.

PW: So tell me how these DVDs came to fruition.
Lisa: Well, my time on "DWTS" was a transformational period for me -- my life and my body. I loved the experience so much that after it was done I thought it would be a shame to not continue dancing. I love it, it moves me, I'm just so passionate about it.

PW: You certainly know all the right people now
Lisa: Well, I knew Louis [van Amstel, Lisa's partner from the show] was busy so I hired an instructor and we did that for a good year. Then I went to NYC to perform in "Chicago," where I was dancing a lot. When I came home, I needed to continue. Not twice a week, I wanted to be dancing every day.

lisa-rinna----louis.jpgPW: So?
Lisa: So I called Louis and said, "Why don't we come up with a class based on the dancing." He said OK, we rented a studio, I called up all my mom friends and he came up with a class. The first time he taught was amazing. Everybody loved it, so we kept renting the studio every week and more and more people came. It grew just by word of mouth -- eventually we were having 12 to 14 classes a week.

PW: Wow, so it was completely organic?
Lisa: Totally organic. I've always been a huge fan of Jane Fonda -- I remember buying her book and her videos and thought it would be great to bring that back. So it really became a combo of always having Jane Fonda as my idol and having this thing I passionately loved to do.

PW: Do the DVDs tie in with the book you're writing?
Lisa: That book is interesting too. It came out of people always saying, "Why don't you do a diet and fitness book" and me saying, "OK, great!" So I signed with a book agent and met with a writer, but we didn't hit it off, so that kind of died. But I still had a book deal -- it was like, "What do I do?!?" Finally, I found another writer.

PW: Was the process harder or easier than you anticipated?
Lisa: This is one of the hardest things I have ever done because it's morphed into something else. It's a tell-all, biographical, diet and exercise book about my life and how I do what I do. It's been quite cathartic, being brutally honest about marriage, sex and motherhood.

Lisa-rinna----red-carpet.jpgPW: What's it called?
Lisa: "Rinna-vation," which is about reinventing yourself at any age. It's an easy read. I just wanted it to be something that is helpful to people and I'm becoming quite proud of it.

PW: Does being so forthright about your personal life make you nervous?
Lisa: It does, because I've been a very private person -- nobody knows that much about us and it's a very scary thing to open yourself up like that. But I've learned in the last few years that the more you've been through, the more wisdom you gather and the more you share it can help people. And at 45 years old, I don't have anything to hide. I'm not ashamed of anything!

PW: A motto that was put to the test a few weeks ago when every celeb weekly, news show and magazine was reporting on the quotes you gave about how your face looked freakish after too much plastic surgery. Were you surprised that became such a big deal?
Lisa: I was so surprised because it was a really simple thing. In Touch had sent me the pic and said they were going to have a plastic surgeon go through and say what I had done. I thought, "Wait a minute, no. I'm going to say what happened." I went to see a dermatologist in NYC I don't normally use and it wasn't good for me. That simple, no big deal. I never in my life would have expected it to turn into what it did.

PW: Why do you think it exploded like that?
Lisa: I guess because it's just something nobody talks about. Looking back on it, I'm really glad I said it. You know, I have a sense of humor about the whole thing, thank god. I find it fascinating that we're so intrigued by how we age and this quest for the fountain of youth.

PW: I think it's partly why "Benjamin Button" is doing so well.
Lisa: Hello! Right? It's so interesting to me, so I talk about it and be honest about it as a 45-year-old actress in the public eye and say, "You have to stay looking a certain way if you want to be able to work and support your family."

PW: I know it's a bit of the chicken/egg debate, but do you think it's a case of Hollywood demanding it, or actresses doing it and Hollywood liking the results?
Lisa: You know, I think it's much more prevalent outside of Hollywood. The people that I know who have done things, they're not actors. They're every day women and it has nothing to do with Hollywood. I think it starts with the images we see from a very young age that say you have to be thin and beautiful at all times.

PW: Like a Barbie doll.
Lisa: It starts there, doesn't it? And that's the image we get at 4 years old! My girls had Barbie dolls at 1. I think we all have to take responsibility for it, and why wouldn't we want to look like that if that image is what we're being spoon fed as babies. But you can't tell me there are any women you know in their 40s who, if they could look better, wouldn't go and do it.

PW: That's something you must see a lot hosting TV Guide's red carpet pre-shows.
Lisa: Oh my gosh, of course. How long do you think it takes to get that dolled up and look like that. What's the difference between getting your hair colored and going to the dermatologist to have some Botox? Where do you draw the line?

PW: Well, I think it's all about what society condones.
Lisa: I find it fascinating that we're not afraid to say, "I've had microdermabrasion," but plastic surgery is taboo. I think it's the word plastic surgery, because it sounds scary.

Lisa-rinna----harry-hamlin.jpgPW: Is this one of the topics your new TV show tackles?
Lisa: I don't know if we'll go there because we haven't sussed out all the episodes. We've come up with six so far and go into some really funny stuff. About our daily life and what goes on between Harry [Hamlin] and I, the family, trying to juggle everything. It's a take off on "I Love Lucy," called "I Love Lisa" and it's really an homage to that. It's going to air on TV Land.

PW: Is it a documentary, openly scripted, secretly scripted?
Lisa: It's not a doc, where cameras follow us around. It's a set-up, scripted show where we come up with ideas of things that have or could happen. It's basically what everyone does nowadays.

PW: I like that you're owning up to it being scripted as well. Very few "reality" stars do that.
Lisa: Well, I would never let cameras just follow me or my family around. The only way we would do it is if we had control.

PW: It sounds like the show features your daughters. Have they been bit by the acting bug?
Lisa: Yes, and this is never something I would want for them, but they are showing interest. I didn't even want them to be in the show but they said, "Please, please, please let us be in the show." It certainly doesn't focus on them, because I don't think that's appropriate, but they are in our lives. Look at Barack Obama. You don't think he wants his girls to be in that level of the public eye? But that's just life.

PW: When did you first know you wanted to be an actress?
Lisa: My mom says it was when I was 3 years old. I grew up as an only child and I think when you are one, you're performing for everybody. This is the next best thing.

PW: I know you're doing a lot of guest spots, but do you miss being on a series?
Lisa: I do, and I'm putting it out in the universe to revisit that. I love acting and I miss doing things like "Melrose Place." What I don't miss is the grind of being on a set 12-18 hours a day. I've been blessed that I can be with my children and have a life doing the job I do, so I would love to be a part of an ensemble piece, where I could come in and out or be a recurring guest star.

lisa-rinna----veronica-mars.jpgPW: Kinda like you did with "Veronica Mars," my favorite show ever?
Lisa: Well, I hear they're doing a movie...

PW: Yes they are, and we never found out if Lynn was really dead or not!

Lisa: That's right! Get Rob Thomas on the phone! That car door was just open!

PW: What about the proposed "Melrose" spin-off, would you like to be a part of that?
Lisa: I'd be the first to do it, but they always want the people who don't want to do it! [laughs] I'm like, "I'll do it! I'll do it! Please call me!" But I'm so far down on the totem pole. If they go through everybody from Heather [Locklear] to Grant Show and they turn it down, maybe then they'll say, "Let's call Lisa!" Wouldn't it be fun to bring Taylor back?